
Tuesday, May 5, 2020

How To Make Slime


  • PVA Glue
  • Shaving Cream
  • Borax (crystals or powder)
  • Food colouring/gel
  • 1 cup of boiling Water
  • Bowls and spoons
  • A teaspoon

  • Pour a cup of PVA glue into a bowl.
  • Add a cup of shaving cream to the glue and mix until fully combined.
  • Now's the time to add the food colouring or gel, get creative, mix the colours together or keep the plain you can also add a little glitter to make it sparkle.
  • Just make sure you don’t add too much food colouring or gel otherwise the colour will stain your hands when you play with the slime.
  • Once the mixture is combined, boil your water. You can do this in a kettle but if you don’t have one of these you can boil the water in a saucepan.
  • Measure out 1 cup of the boiling water, and a teaspoon of borax to it, mix well until no traces of the borax are left, be careful not to splash the water and borax on your skin while mixing.
  • After that keep adding the borax and water liquid (one teaspoon at a time) until your slime groups together but is still sticky.
  • Scoop out the slime and start stretching it once it’s only a little bit sticky, add another teaspoon of the liquid then play with it again for a while until it isn’t sticky anymore.
  • Once you're done playing with your slime, put it straight back into the container you’re keeping it in, and wash your hands with soap and hot water.

    • DON’T get the slime on your clothes or any fabric surface.
    • Slime is NOT an edible material, DO NOT EAT, it contains borax which is a poisonous substance when eaten.
    • To wash off clothes, put the clothing under a hot running tap and rub with your finger until all traces are gone.


    1. Oh no!! Not more slime! Just kidding. I like your description of how to make slime and your pictures. It looks like you and your siblings had a great time creating together. How long will the slime last?

      1. It depends on how long you play with it or leave it sitting without a container. Also if you keep dropping it on your clothes it'll get stuck and get smaller and smaller. I've still got mine and I think It's been about 10-15 days?
        Thanks for your comment :)

    2. Great detailed instructions, very easy to follow. I'm glad you are making this at homwe and not at school! I wonder if Mum feels the same?

      1. It was my mums idea actually I was surprised too :D

    3. We have made this type of slime many times in my household.
      I like the descriptiveness of the process and liked how you added the caution part.
      There are so many types of slime recipes.
      Is the borax type of slime your favourite?

      1. Well, I don't know. I've never actual got around to trying different types apart from the time I made contact lens slime, but that was a loooooooooong time ago. So, yeah. My favourite so far would probably be the slime recipe I blogged which is called fluffy slime.
        Thanks for your question :)
