
Sunday, November 24, 2019

Pastel blending

W.A.L.T blend and shade pastels using oil pastel media.
Me and my class have been doing some pastel art. In this piece of art we have been practising pastel blending and shading. To do this we watched a video on how to create a pastel picture of a moon and a silhouette of a boy in the clouds (the video is down below)`. We didn't have to follow the picture exactly, we just had to include a moon, blended pastel and a silhouette of sorts. I did a silhouette of trees and a moon as we were told to. We were also allowed to change the colour of the sky as long as we blended and shaded it.I decided to keep my night sky blue and black.
It took me about a quarter of an hour to finish this piece of art and I recommend trying it because it was really fun to do, and especially enjoyable to shade and blend the oil pastels once it was on  the paper. How do you think I could improve my pastel art?

Wednesday, October 30, 2019

My Black And White Abstract Art

This is my Black and white abstract art that I did with my class. We used Popsicle sticks, black and white acrylic paint, cardboard and paintbrushes. We did this as practice for when we’re painting/making our abstract resin table topper for the desks that we made at tech! We made this artwork by putting small blobs of black paint in a line using the Popsicle stick making them about a blob apart, we did this is the middle of our paper whether it was landscape or portrait. Then we did the same with the white but we did the line above or below the black. Then we got our piece of cardboard and scraped it through the to lines of paint. We did this only enough times so it covered the entire canvas/piece of paper that we were working on. Adding more blobs of paint so we could fill all of the paper. We didn't over-scrape it though otherwise we would of had a bunch of grey paint. When we had filled the paper, we got our card board and put the edge lengthwise in the paint on the paper. Then we pulled the piece of cardboard down a small bit in a straight line. We did this multiple times across around the middle of the paper length-ways. Then we got our paintbrush and - using little bits of paint - dabbed it starting from the top of the lines and going wider as we got to around 1/4 from the bottom from the line. Then we did a little white circle for the moon though I decided not to do that. We also added a bit more white paint blobs on the black and then we were done! I think mine looked pretty good and I'm really happy with it! If you don't get my instructions, please watch this video that I have put down below (this is the video we watched to teach us), the guy that made it did a great job!

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Visual Art: Tessellations

W.A.L.T: Create a tessellation.

These are my three tessellations that I have drawn along with the rest of my class. The drawing that's coloured in and is made out of squares is the last tessellation that I did, I copied it of a picture from google images. I made my 2nd attempt at a tessellation look purposely like a turtle. And the first tessellation that I drew was, well the first tessellation that I did so when I did that I just played around with it and tried out this type of tessellations for the first time.

Here's how I made the first two tessellations that I did...
What you will need
  1.  First I cut out a square/rectangle of card stock.
  2. Next I drew then cut a shape/design on on side of the card and on the top side of the card.
  3. Then keeping the design/shape where I cut it out of, I slid the shape/design to the side opposite where it was now.
  4. I stuck the cut shape/design to the opposite side with tape, I did this for both sides.
  5. After that place your stencil on a piece of paper and trace around it.
  6. Slot your stencil into the traced version of it, and trace your stencil again.
  7. Do this until your piece of paper is full.
If you don't understand these instructions then please watch this video for clearer ones.This video taught me how to make tessellations and tricks that makes it much easier to make them.

I found making tessellations really fun and I had a awesome time making them. For me it was kind of hard to decide on what patterns to do on the card, but in the end I eventually decided on what pattern to do.

Have you ever made a tessellation before?

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

Visual art: my charcoal drawings- abstract and Jim Dine.

W.A.L.T: Draw a tool in the style of Jim Dine. 
W.A.L.T: Find a artist style or a image we like and copy it in charcoal.

Wednesday, August 7, 2019

Cybersmart: Camera shots and angles.

W.A.L.T take photos from different angles and explain their purposes. 

Today Me and my friends Isaac and Julia paired up and did this slide for our cybersmart lesson, that we had today with Whaea Donna. We helped each other take the photos and we used different types of filters and angles, such as 'birds eye view' and 'wide shot' you'll see these along with a bunch of other angles in the slide below. The main purpose of this slide was to practice the different angles for when we take photos or video's so we could make a film for the Manaiakalani film festival. It was really fun taking these photos and I hope that we do something similar to this in the future for our Thursday cybersmart lessons.

Feel free to share in the comments any other types of photos, or different angles that we could or should have done in our slide.

Enjoy! C:

Friday, August 2, 2019

My Gabriel Moreno Art!!!

For visual art we had to do a style of art that is like Gabriel Moreno's whom is a famous artist. When we did this art we were told that we had to do it in black and white, which was kind of disappointing because a bunch of us wanted to do it in colour. I didn't actually get to finish my artwork because Mr Pickard took them away from us so he could take pictures of them. But they were still really fun to make and Mr Pickard did eventually hand them back out to us.
So here's how you make them. . .
1. First we had to think about the patterns and textures that were were going to use for our portrait. We also had to think about the light and dark colours that were going to be in it.
2. After that we our picture taken. When our teacher took it he took it of the side of our face.
3. Next he printed them in A3, and we were told to go and get our pictures once they were printed.
4. Once we had got our photos we put them against the window with a blank piece of A3 paper on top then we traced our photo onto it in pencil.
5. Once we had traced our photo we put our photo in our art folder and put the piece of paper we traced in on to on our desk.
6. Then we drew are patterns onto it.
7. And finally after that we went over the patterns in vivid, but we were also allowed to keep them in pencil and go over them in black pen.

I hope you like my photo of my zentangle/Gabriel Moreno portrait. Please share your thoughts and opinions in the comments.

Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Planning a screencast

W.A.L.T plan a screencastify.

This is my screencastify that I did today, when we had our cybersmart lesson with Whaea Donna. Our lesson was about how to plan a screencastify. The screencast that we planned was based on the cybersmart learning that we did last week. This was all about copyright and how to take a image from google then write the attributes for that image. But what we were told to do for our screencastify was a little different. In our screencastify we explained how to take a image from 'Explore' and 'Google'. Then we compared both the methods and shared our opinion on which set of instructions was better. Either way this is my screencastify that I did today and I hope you like it! Feel free to share your own opinion on whether taking a image from 'Explore' or 'Google' is better.

Sunday, June 30, 2019

Rugby League Practice With Jim And Kelly!!!

Today we had another (touch) rugby league practice at school. We usually have these practices on Wednesday around morning tea time which is at 10:30. At these practices we play mini rugby league games and practice our running, throwing and catching skills.
These practices take place at the top and bottom fields in the top court and in the hall, but today we had our practice on the top court heres a picture from the rugby league game we played today.
These are a few of the rules that you have to follow in a game of (touch) rugby league. . .

  1. You're not allowed to pass the ball forward.
  2. You have to stay behind the person on your team that has the ball.
  3. You aren't allowed to kick the ball.
  4. You're team has to pass the ball over to the opposing team once they have been touched six times.
There are heaps more rules for this game but that would mean I would have write a long list and that you (my reader/audience) would have to read a long list.  So I think it would be best if I didn't! Either ways I hope you like this blog post.

Sunday, June 23, 2019

WALT: Decide on our purpose for writing.

Strange Town

The moon rose on the edge of the horizon.
Then the inhabitants of strange town started to emerge, flowing out of their houses onto the cold smooth cobblestone streets.
They were almost as peculiar as their strange houses, which towered over each other in an array of uncountable amounts of different shapes, storeys and sizes, some with turrets sticking out of the roofs.
Small lanterns hung on their houses in different patterns and heights.
Tall, leafless, spindly trees stuck out of the dark green prickly grass their branches curly on the ends.
A broken sign swung on the one post it still clung on to, it’s lights flickering on and off in the moonlight.
The smooth cobblestone turned to wood as a wooden plank path led to a harbour full of old rotten boats that were anchored in the murky lake that looked and smelled similar to sewer water.
Then suddenly rays of golden light shone out from somewhere on the horizon.

Then the people or things of Strange Town disappeared back into their houses.

This is my poem that was inspired by a photo on Pobble 365: Strange Town. I really like writing poems and that is why I decide to write one. Please share you feedback and thoughts in the the comment section.

Thanks Lola

Wednesday, June 19, 2019

Visual Art: Walt use proportion and draw an accurate outline.

Visual Art
WALT use proportion and draw an accurate outline.

This is my still life drawing of a vase, and here is how I did it.

1) Find a object on the internet or in real life that you want to sketch.

2) Place the object or your computer/device in front of you so you can sketch the object.

3) Draw lines that will cut your drawing into different segments.
4) Fill in each of the segments from the object.
5) After that shade the objects segment by segment.

6) Then if you would like you can rub out the lines.

7) Now your beautiful master piece is done.

This is how you do a still life drawing, I hope you like my post.

Please share you opinions and feedback about this piece of writing in the comments.

Thanks, Lola

Wednesday, May 29, 2019

My animation and what I learned while I was making it.

Hi it's me again, but this time I'm here with my animation that I made on google slides. It was really fun to make this animation with Whaea Donna, when she came in and did her cybersmart lesson. Before Whaea Donna told us about making animations, I didn't know we could make animations on google slides, but I'm glad that Whaea Donna told us about it because I really enjoyed making it! When I was making my animation, I learnt that if you copy and paste the slides with little differences then your animation will turn out a lot like a GIF. The only differences would be that you have to change slides by yourself instead of it being like a GIF in how they just replay themselves over and over again. I also learnt that it looks better on your animation if you do one word instead of a sentence per slide.
This is how you make a animation on google slides.
1: Create a new google slide and give it a title.
2: Decide on what you want your animation to be about, (decide the plot or the story).
3: Add your first slide, and download a picture to be your background.
4: On that first slide download a few PNG characters from the internet to star in your story.
5: Add in your background and the characters that you downloaded and add some speech bubbles or captions if you want.
6: Copy and paste your slide then on you second slide make some changes then copy and paste that slide ectr, ectr.
I hope you like my animation!

Tuesday, May 14, 2019

Yes I know, this video is really weird. But Mr Pickard requested that we do a screencastiify on how to use screencastify or something like that so yeah, here it is.

Wednesday, May 8, 2019

My Roy Lichtenstein art!!!

Hi its me again, if your wondering what this picture is, it is my Roy Lichtenstein portrait art from term one. When we drew, coloured and outlined our pictures we had to focus on bold outlines patterns and lots of colours. I hope you like it.

If you think I could of added something or made some nice changes to my art then please share your thoughts and feedback in the comments.

Wednesday, May 1, 2019

Sunday, March 31, 2019

This is my cyber smart poster it tells you what is right and wrong to share online.

Do you have any information I could add to my poster?