
Sunday, June 30, 2019

Rugby League Practice With Jim And Kelly!!!

Today we had another (touch) rugby league practice at school. We usually have these practices on Wednesday around morning tea time which is at 10:30. At these practices we play mini rugby league games and practice our running, throwing and catching skills.
These practices take place at the top and bottom fields in the top court and in the hall, but today we had our practice on the top court heres a picture from the rugby league game we played today.
These are a few of the rules that you have to follow in a game of (touch) rugby league. . .

  1. You're not allowed to pass the ball forward.
  2. You have to stay behind the person on your team that has the ball.
  3. You aren't allowed to kick the ball.
  4. You're team has to pass the ball over to the opposing team once they have been touched six times.
There are heaps more rules for this game but that would mean I would have write a long list and that you (my reader/audience) would have to read a long list.  So I think it would be best if I didn't! Either ways I hope you like this blog post.

Sunday, June 23, 2019

WALT: Decide on our purpose for writing.

Strange Town

The moon rose on the edge of the horizon.
Then the inhabitants of strange town started to emerge, flowing out of their houses onto the cold smooth cobblestone streets.
They were almost as peculiar as their strange houses, which towered over each other in an array of uncountable amounts of different shapes, storeys and sizes, some with turrets sticking out of the roofs.
Small lanterns hung on their houses in different patterns and heights.
Tall, leafless, spindly trees stuck out of the dark green prickly grass their branches curly on the ends.
A broken sign swung on the one post it still clung on to, it’s lights flickering on and off in the moonlight.
The smooth cobblestone turned to wood as a wooden plank path led to a harbour full of old rotten boats that were anchored in the murky lake that looked and smelled similar to sewer water.
Then suddenly rays of golden light shone out from somewhere on the horizon.

Then the people or things of Strange Town disappeared back into their houses.

This is my poem that was inspired by a photo on Pobble 365: Strange Town. I really like writing poems and that is why I decide to write one. Please share you feedback and thoughts in the the comment section.

Thanks Lola

Wednesday, June 19, 2019

Visual Art: Walt use proportion and draw an accurate outline.

Visual Art
WALT use proportion and draw an accurate outline.

This is my still life drawing of a vase, and here is how I did it.

1) Find a object on the internet or in real life that you want to sketch.

2) Place the object or your computer/device in front of you so you can sketch the object.

3) Draw lines that will cut your drawing into different segments.
4) Fill in each of the segments from the object.
5) After that shade the objects segment by segment.

6) Then if you would like you can rub out the lines.

7) Now your beautiful master piece is done.

This is how you do a still life drawing, I hope you like my post.

Please share you opinions and feedback about this piece of writing in the comments.

Thanks, Lola