
Thursday, April 30, 2020

Textures Art Activity

While my class has been in lock down, my teacher has been setting us fun and exciting tasks for school. One of them was to find a art activity or colouring sheet and do it, then post it on your blog. So here I am doing that. What I decided to do was this textures worksheet that I found on one of my teachers blogs. I thought that it would be fun to try draw different textures that I hadn't tried before, one thing I was particularly excited about doing was the snake skin as I thought it would be quite intriguing to try and draw. But for most of the other boxes and circles I added my own spin onto the topics.
For example, for the horse fur I did zebra fur as a zebra is still practically a horse. And for the "make this ball look like a rock", I did stone bricks, the only big difference is that there are multiple rocks instead of one like the instructions said. One of the main reasons I chose to do this sheet, was because of how it looked. Don't ask me why, I have no idea. Anyway here's what it looks like.
On the page It had 5 boxes and three balls to draw the textures in. It also had two questions to answer about texture. The first one was what is texture? My answer to that was...
Texture is the feeling or appearance of a substance or surface. The second question was, how can we draw textures? And I wrote down "by using different shades and shapes". I really enjoyed doing this sheet. It was super fun to draw all the textures and to think about how the textures were going to look. I actually learnt a lesson doing this sheet, that it's okay to twist the rules around a bit to let your creativity flow and break the obstacles in your path of art. I really recommend that you try out this activity sheet too, if you like drawing then I guarantee that you'll find it as fun as I did!☺️
Texture Activity Sheet Link


  1. What an awesome art activity Lola! I love this idea!
    I can see how you had fun doing this.
    I like how you incorporated art with texture's, without actually using texture's.
    I also like how you drew shape's and used different kind's of shading in order to create the illusion of texture's.
    I am definitely going to try this art activity with my kids at home.
    Keep up the great mahi!!

  2. Hi Lola, I'm really pleased you enjoyed the texture Art activity. I love how you have used your drawing skills to create the different textures. Your pencil work and use of shade and shape are excellent. I also love how you like to let your own ideas and creative juices flow. If you scroll through my blog there are many other drawing ideas that might interest you, for example how to draw a skeleton, a movement worksheet, cartoon ideas and much more. Go to my blog page Keep up the great artwork, you will only get better and better.
