
Wednesday, October 30, 2019

My Black And White Abstract Art

This is my Black and white abstract art that I did with my class. We used Popsicle sticks, black and white acrylic paint, cardboard and paintbrushes. We did this as practice for when we’re painting/making our abstract resin table topper for the desks that we made at tech! We made this artwork by putting small blobs of black paint in a line using the Popsicle stick making them about a blob apart, we did this is the middle of our paper whether it was landscape or portrait. Then we did the same with the white but we did the line above or below the black. Then we got our piece of cardboard and scraped it through the to lines of paint. We did this only enough times so it covered the entire canvas/piece of paper that we were working on. Adding more blobs of paint so we could fill all of the paper. We didn't over-scrape it though otherwise we would of had a bunch of grey paint. When we had filled the paper, we got our card board and put the edge lengthwise in the paint on the paper. Then we pulled the piece of cardboard down a small bit in a straight line. We did this multiple times across around the middle of the paper length-ways. Then we got our paintbrush and - using little bits of paint - dabbed it starting from the top of the lines and going wider as we got to around 1/4 from the bottom from the line. Then we did a little white circle for the moon though I decided not to do that. We also added a bit more white paint blobs on the black and then we were done! I think mine looked pretty good and I'm really happy with it! If you don't get my instructions, please watch this video that I have put down below (this is the video we watched to teach us), the guy that made it did a great job!