
Tuesday, August 20, 2019

Visual art: my charcoal drawings- abstract and Jim Dine.

W.A.L.T: Draw a tool in the style of Jim Dine. 
W.A.L.T: Find a artist style or a image we like and copy it in charcoal.

Wednesday, August 7, 2019

Cybersmart: Camera shots and angles.

W.A.L.T take photos from different angles and explain their purposes. 

Today Me and my friends Isaac and Julia paired up and did this slide for our cybersmart lesson, that we had today with Whaea Donna. We helped each other take the photos and we used different types of filters and angles, such as 'birds eye view' and 'wide shot' you'll see these along with a bunch of other angles in the slide below. The main purpose of this slide was to practice the different angles for when we take photos or video's so we could make a film for the Manaiakalani film festival. It was really fun taking these photos and I hope that we do something similar to this in the future for our Thursday cybersmart lessons.

Feel free to share in the comments any other types of photos, or different angles that we could or should have done in our slide.

Enjoy! C:

Friday, August 2, 2019

My Gabriel Moreno Art!!!

For visual art we had to do a style of art that is like Gabriel Moreno's whom is a famous artist. When we did this art we were told that we had to do it in black and white, which was kind of disappointing because a bunch of us wanted to do it in colour. I didn't actually get to finish my artwork because Mr Pickard took them away from us so he could take pictures of them. But they were still really fun to make and Mr Pickard did eventually hand them back out to us.
So here's how you make them. . .
1. First we had to think about the patterns and textures that were were going to use for our portrait. We also had to think about the light and dark colours that were going to be in it.
2. After that we our picture taken. When our teacher took it he took it of the side of our face.
3. Next he printed them in A3, and we were told to go and get our pictures once they were printed.
4. Once we had got our photos we put them against the window with a blank piece of A3 paper on top then we traced our photo onto it in pencil.
5. Once we had traced our photo we put our photo in our art folder and put the piece of paper we traced in on to on our desk.
6. Then we drew are patterns onto it.
7. And finally after that we went over the patterns in vivid, but we were also allowed to keep them in pencil and go over them in black pen.

I hope you like my photo of my zentangle/Gabriel Moreno portrait. Please share your thoughts and opinions in the comments.